26 - Integrity and Trust

Want less screen time? Listen to the audio version of this post here ! I likely spent more years in university than was necessary for my resulting career in healthcare - three science majors and a senior thesis later, I arrived! My post secondary path could have been more efficient, but I don’t regret it at all. My experiences along the way were after all effective for giving me the unique perspective I have today. Indeed, I still believe all learning opportunities are valuable, even if they cover something I already know. It’s my opinion that there’s always something new to learn, and if not, then there is a chance to learn an old fact in a new way, or make connections in knowledge I hadn’t yet considered. In my eight years of post secondary education (yes, I know, I’m privileged), most of my courses were in the sciences. I took a few language courses as well (because French and Spanish are fun!). But the most unique outlier was the one mandatory business ...