Common Humanity: Part 2
For audio reading of this blog post, go here: I ask each of my clients this question: “What are your priorities and values in life?” This question is so important. It tells me so much about what I have to learn and do to give my clients something that is true to them. Something that honours their experiences instead of placing on them the priorities and values upheld in white oppressive healthcare. One time a client answered me with this: “I value common humanity — the idea that we’re all here and connected in some way.” Yeah. I feel this. Do you? In Part 1 I offered a call-in to my fellow white TBI survivors. I asked why it seems there is little representation of BIPOC folks in brain injury blogs, media, and support groups. Systemic racism affects all communities, even ours in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I am now sharing this again as a white person to invite other white survivors who are down for this c...