Dating and Relationships with PCS. Part 1: Friend Dating

SPECIAL PODCAST INTERVIEW! Found on my Souncloud HERE . Have you ever asked someone out on a friend date? This series is about dating and relationships and when we think of those words, we often think of romantic relationships only. But friendships make up an important part of our relationship lives and if we want to be happy and healthy, valuing and respecting friendships in the same way we do romantic ones is likely the way to go. At least, that’s my opinion and that’s why this series is starting here. This brain injury has really made me look at all my relationships in a new light. When I had my most recent injury I was single and it seemed like my friendship status was in transition - some of my friendships were teetering on the fence and new ones were entering the gate. The injury also made me reevaluate my role and how I contributed to my friendships - it made me think about what kind of friend I wanted to be. Today I talk with one of my friend...